Payments/Donations to Stockport Radio Society can be made in a number of ways:
Current membership rates are as follows.
Senior | £15.00 | (18-64yrs of Age) |
Family | £15,.00 | |
Country | £10.00 | (must live more than 50 miles of the Stockport Boundary) |
Pensioner | £10.00 | (65yrs and over) |
Junior | £2.50 | (upto 17yrs of Age) |
CASH:(Available at SRS events, only).
Physical cash payments can be made at SRS events; the monies can be taken by a member of the SRS Committee. Please present the correct amount, as correct change may not be available. A receipt, (paper or email) can be requested by the payer.
CARD PAYMENT: (Available at SRS events, only).
Payments can be made by presenting/inserting (i.e. ‘Contactless’ or ‘Chip & Pin’) a MasterCard or Visa card (either debit or credit) on/in our SumUp machine. There is a small commission for each payment, which SRS will absorb (e.g. to pay subs of £15, your card will be debited £15). A receipt (generated by the SumUp machine) will be given to the payer at the time of payment.
Bank Transfer
A bank transfer can be made to….
Bank: Barclays PLC.
Account Name: Stockport Radio Society
Sorting Code: 205377
Account number: 40346314
In the payment reference, please include your initial, surname, callsign and reason for payment, e.g. the word ‘SUBS.’ If you’re struggling for space in the reference field, just include your callsign and ‘SUBS.’ If you are not yet licenced, your initial, surname and ‘SUBS’ will suffice.
A receipt (by email or paper) can produced upon request.
Whether you have a PayPal account or not, you can make a payment and /or donation to the society by using the “PayPal Donation Button” appearing on the website where you can opt to make a one-off payment, or if you prefer pay a regular amount.
The PayPal Donate function can even be used by those who do not have their own PayPal accounts; credit or debit cards will do.

When doing so, please indicate who you are and the purpose of the payment/donation as this will help our Treasurer. At the stage during the payment process when the amount and card details are shown for you to confirm/change, please click ‘+ Add a note to your donation’, and enter your Callsign followed by a reason for payment, e.g.’G8SRS WEBEX’, or ‘G8SRS SUBS’.
Whilst this is a convenient means of payment, PayPal does take its cut being a £0.30 flat fee per transaction + 2.9% of the transaction value. So, if you are donating to the society for example to cover Webex meeting costs you may wish to consider contributing for a few meetings in advance, to reduce the relative value of the commission.
You may wish to use the PayPal Donation function to pay for membership subs or society merchandise. In such a case, please tick the box ‘I’d like to add to my donation to help offset the cost of processing’ in the payment window, so that SRS receives the correct amount. (Please place [Callsign/Surname+Initial] ‘SUBS’ in the reference field for, say, your membership subs.)
Receipts will be sent automatically to your email address upon payment completion.
Cheques can be made out to Stockport Radio Society.
Please write your callsign and, if paying your annual subscription ‘2023 SUBS’ on the back. For any other reason such as a Webex Donation, please add a reason for the payment e.g. “WEBEX” and, if the name of the account from which the cheque is drawn does not match your name, include your name on the back of the cheque, too.
You may hand in the cheque to any committee member when we meet at Walthew House, or you can post it to the following address…
Stockport Radio Society
c/o Walthew House
112 Shaw Heath
Please note that, with a payment by cheque, there may be a considerable length of time between our receipt of it and its cashing.
A receipt (by email or paper) can produced upon request.
If you have any queries, or need any more information please either email our Treasurer (treasurer at or telephone 07598 892795.