Saturday @ Walthew House

October 2023 saw a new venture from the society with all day meetings on the 2nd Saturday of the month.

Whilst our Tuesday meetings continue (1st & 4th depending on season, Winter or Summer) Saturday’s allow us more time to devote more time to our activities including practical sessions plus with the introduction of the Breakfast Club these events have become a real social activity.

Activities include:

Saturday Morning Breakfast club.

Practical “Burnt Fingers/Repair Shop” sessions hosted by Tom M0DCG

Practice Morse Code Sessions

On Air Sessions from the Shack

10.30am: Morse Code with Evan M0TJU
11.30am: SSB with Alan G0ROW, Keith M0JYP & others
1pm: Digital (C4FM/DMR, etc) with Neil M6NAE & Andrew M7USL

Members Table top sale (February/July/November)