Tom Spence M0DCG


My main interest these days are the HF bands, using SSB or PSK31. When operating from home, I use either an inverted Vwire dipole or a G5RV at 40ft fed from a Yaesu FT1000 MP putting out 100 watts, or alternatively a Hustler vertical in the middle of the garden mounted on an 8ft tube and fitted with 45 deg dropping radials.

I am a member of Stockport Radio Society which meets regularly at Walthew House in Stockport.

I also enjoy competition work and am a keen member of the G5O team which operates from a station located near Rainow in The Peaks. When time permits, I take part in the RSGB CC, Sprint and AFS contests from home. When running PSK31 my output is either 25 or 10 watts at the set.

At the moment I’m trying to get my Morse up to respectable contest speed.  If you happen to hear me on the bands butchering the code please be patient, forgiving and gentle.

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