All of the contests that SRS Contest Group participates in (bar National Field Day) involve simultaneous operation on two transceivers (Yaesu FTDX5000s). During the CQ WW, WPX, Russian DX and IOTA contests, we operate ‘multi-two’ (i.e. both operators may call ‘CQ’ simultaneously);
Most of our contests involve single-mode operation – either SSB or CW, only. The exceptions are the IOTA Contest and – should we decide to participate – the Russian DX, both of which we choose to do as ‘mixed-mode’ (using both CW and SSB).
We consistently operate QRO, at the full UK legal limits, subject to contests’ rules. Facilitating this are two linear amplifiers – one for each transceiver.
The masts and antennas available to us ensure that the most is made of the RF boosted by the linears:
- TH5 and TH6 Yagis – both on trailer-mounted towers – covering the 20-, 15- and 10-metre bands;
- Two Hustler verticals (multi-band; especially effective on 15 and 10 metres);
- Full-size dipoles for 40, 80 and 160 metres;
- Verticals for 80 and 40 metres
All logging is done by PC, and the transceivers are fully computer (‘CAT’)-controlled and networked, using WinTest or N1MM software. A reliable Internet connection, allowing the use of the DX Cluster and Reverse Beacon Network when contest rules permit. We also have our own SDR based at the site.
The operators are protected from the Peak District elements by a cosy caravan. It’s large enough to comfortably fit the two who operating as well as others who may wish to help out: stand-by operators, learners, people managing or feeding info to those on the air and – most importantly – brew makers!